I just got a couple rolls of film developed (!!), and one of them included some shots from last month's trip to Portland. I don't have too much else to say about Portland that I haven't said in
previous posts...but really. LOVE. THAT. CITY. Also, aren't my friends the cutest? #oldroommates4lyfe (ha).
Did everyone have a good weekend?? Mine was MUCH needed. And on Saturday, it felt like we had our first day of summer in San Diego. It's silly, really. It was 80 degrees! Needless to say, the highlight of my day may have been going for a walk in South Park (one of the most darling neighborhoods in SD) w/ an iced chai in hand. I mostly took photos of crazy looking succulents - because I'm obsessed. You'll see those soon. Promise. Today was quite a bit cooler, so I was able to get a bit of design work done. But I still have so much to do! Oh, how I wish weekends were longer... :)
++ on an unrelated, but equally important note,
if you've been having trouble adding my blog to your reader, the problem should be fixed now! (
PHEW! I KNOW.) If you're still having issues, let me know. or, you should be able to subscribe via rss feed (button on my sidebar).