I took a little trip up to LA this weekend to watch my dad run the LA Marathon. As much as I'm entirely not ready to run a marathon right now (!!), I'd love to be able to travel across LA on foot-- from Dodger's Stadium to Santa Monica. It'd be pretty rad (minus the wanting to die part). Right now I'm sitting on the train heading back to San Diego, and thought I'd do a little post. So, here are some photos that are completely unrelated to one another. :)
Above // Waiting for my dad to run by. (and that he DID-- 3:26! what?!) // Art Deco hotel: love. Below // half+half at brunch // my new favorite succulent : obsessed // sunset cliffs after work // (window) shopping in venice // lunch at gjelina
I hope ya'll had a good weekend! I can't believe that it's Monday tomorrow! ... happy thoughts, happy thoughts.