1 / bring lots of business cards (but don't spend a lot of $$ on getting them printed). At a big craft fair, there will be lots of people passing through -- but many of them want to take a look around before making any purchases. In that case, they'll often grab a business card. You definitely want to have PLENTY of business cards available... but I wouldn't spend hundreds of dollars purchasing letterpress business cards for a craft fair. Save those for one-on-one interactions! 2 / keep an open mind, and be optimistic! while you may not be making the actual sales you hoped for, there are so many ways to gain exposure and benefit from selling at a craft fair. getting to hear people's feedback is worth a LOT. It was really fun for me to hear people's reactions to some of my cards -- and made me realize "ok, I want to make more cards that elicit that kind of reaction!". 3 / pay attention to aesthetics!! you overall display should be a representation of your brand. I used a lot of white in my display, to allow my products to shine. 4 / be prepared with lots of products! You never know if one of your items will end up being wildly popular... or if you'll sell products at a similar rate. BUT, in the case that one of your products does really well at a specific fair, you want to make sure you won't run out! Mostly -- just have fun. Seriously.