California Zucchini Bake

It would be true to say that this recipe goes back generations because our great-grandma introduced it to us...but she almost certainly got it from a magazine in the '90s. But it stands the test of time! Katie was out of town last week, so Michelle basically survived on these leftovers. All that to say -- we recommend it!


Time: about 30 - 45 minutes 

Serves: 8


1 lb ground beef

1 package taco seasoning (unless it's the Trader Joe's brand, in which case start with half!)

2 medium zucchini - thinly sliced and quartered

1/4 cup of salsa (we add WAY more to taste)

3 cups cooked white rice

1 cup sour cream or greek yogurt

1 cup shredded cheese (or more, of course)

Optional: 1 large tomato, sliced

Pre-heat oven to 375 or 400 degrees. You can wait on this if your oven doesn't take long to heat.

Cook the rice! Forgetting this step really delayed dinner more than once growing up.

While the rice is cooking, sauté the beef. Add sliced zucchini, salsa, and taco seasoning. Cover and sauté for about 5 minutes. Combine with rice and sour cream/yogurt in a large bowl or baking pan. Mix in half of the cheese. Top with the remaining cheese (and tomato slices if you're into that sort of thing). Bake for 10 or so minutes in the oven. 

Pairs well with corn chips, probably guac or avocado slices (we should try that!) and this card