dwindling summer weekends...

This summer has been surprisingly busy (HOW IS IT ALMOST OVER?!), and will continue to be through the end of the month. In six weeks, I'll only spend one weekend in San Diego!! (which is crazy considering how much I like to just be at home). BUT, I have been, & will be out of town for very good things.. so I'm happy.


P H O T O S : (clockwise from top left) 1 / Royce Hall - the beautiful building in which all of the main sessions were held  2 / The Le Wren's outdoor show  3/doodling in my journal  4/ another beautiful UCLA building   This past weekend I had the awesome opportunity to attend part of a leadership conference called Fourth Estate that was put on by Invisible Children at UCLA. It was endlessly inspiring. It inspired me creatively, but more importantly, it was life-altering. It really made me think about what I want my life to look like. Not specifically how things will play out (because what the heck - I HAVE NO IDEA), but the kind of person I want to be -- the things I want to care about. One of my biggest take-aways was that "we're all just human." We may grow up in different places, be in different socio-economic groups, and have completely different worldviews. But we all matter.. and we're all in it together. We were able to see a screening of Blood Brother, which is hands-down the best documentary I've ever seen. They'll be showing screenings in different cities this fall, so if you have the opportunity to attend, GO! There were performances by Noah Gundersen & the Le Wrens, LXD dance crew, and Witness Uganda (a musical). Seriously, good stuff. This weekend I'm heading to B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L Telluride, CO to visit my BFF. I've never been, and can't wait!! What have you guys been up to? Any plans to soak up these last few weeks of summer?!