Two weeks ago I was in Ouray, Colorado...staying in the jankiest most amazing motel with my friend Linds. Our plans to go to the hot springs were ruined when I felt sick. So alas, we spent the evening watching Failure to Launch (YES THAT WAS THE BEST OPTION) on the motel TV. True friendship, I tell you. Anyways, the next morning we got up and explored the tiny mountain town. We found a bookstore, in which I purchased all of these rad items below. The colors were just perfect, so I couldn't say no to any of them. Now I just need to figure out what I'll do with each one. :)


I'm in the midst of enjoying a 3-day weekend, but I just wanted to pop in and show you my lovely Ouray souvenirs. For those of you in the states, Happy Labor Day! And to those of you who experience actual weather on the regular, you officially have my deepest sympathies. San Diego has been HOT + HUMID and I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I'm hoping to find a way to escape the heat tomorrow... but if you never hear from me again, I melted.