Polite Provisions // Soda & Swine

Work has been entirely too crazy lately. It's the busiest time of year for me, and in addition to that, my supervisor (and dear, dear friend) is moving on to another job (something very exciting! but I can't be expected to be happy, can I? haha, I kid.). Needless to say, the overtime and non-stop chaos at work have been taking a toll. This past weekend I made sure to use every minute I had for pure relaxation and/or fun. Ok, full disclosure, I cleaned my room in order that I be ABLE to relax. One of my favorite parts of the weekend was a leisurely evening at Polite Provisions and Soda & Swine. IMG_2469 PP and S&S (srsly. I'm not going to keep typing those out.) are two lovely (and connected) establishments that just opened up in my lovely neighborhood!! PP serves incredible drinks (both alcoholic & non-alcoholic) in a delightful setting. Next door, S&S  serves up some delish food. They have a fairly simple menu that centers around meatballs (you can order them on a slider, sub sando, atop spaghetti, or a la carte), old fashioned bottled sodas, and pie. WHAT? YUM. If you're enjoying some provisions, you can have food delivered from next door (S&S). It's most-lovely. ALSO-- They're within perfect biking/walking distance. YAY! polite_provisions2 I've sampled a good number of food items -- and at this point, I love the veggie meatball slider w/ pesto & feta, twice-cooked fries, and pickled veggies best. But you guys-- I still have more to try!! Oh-- and the chocolate-coconut frozen yogurt is so, so good. Also, the prices are completely reasonable. SO, if you find yourself in San Diego-- specifically the North Park/University Heights/Normal heights area-- definitely make a pit stop here! OH, and the root beer. THE ROOT BEER. polite_provisions I have a four day weekend (praises!!) for Easter, and am hoping to hit up PP/S&S at least once ;) I hope you each have a relaxing & blessed Easter. We have so much to be thankful for! xo!