I'm finishing up my third week of being self employed. And I'm feeling all kinds of emotions.
I feel confident that this was the right decision [WHEW!]. Each morning, I wake up feeling excited about what I'll be working on that day. But, I'm also dealing with the struggle of how to be productive and how to prioritize tasks. I've been running this business for 2+ years, and there were a ton of things I always wanted to get to and never had the time [which has resulted in me feeling pulled in a million directions the past couple of weeks].
My sister-roommate Michelle has been helping me get my finances in order, which is HUGE. Like seriously. Set off some fireworks for this girl, because Accounting is crazy-confusing.
I've spent some time with other creatives/freelancers in San Diego, which has been awesome! It's so nice to be able to chat pricing and client work and instagram (ha!). :) Maggie, Vanessa & I met up at the Cactus Gardens in Balboa park to take some photos -- best idea ever.
As far as a workspace goes, I've been hopping between coffee shops and my desk at home. I've basically moved into to my new favorite, Holsem Coffee!
All in all I've had mixed emotions (figuring out health insurance and taxes aren't fun), but I feel really good about this adventure that I'm on. The terrifying feeling of not having a guaranteed paycheck is definitely there... but right now it just feels like the perfect motivation.
If you're self-employed and you have advice on all of this, feel free to send it my way. :)